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  HighLightSolution.rar 2013-01-22 72 KB
sharepoint voting using web application survey
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:hospital software system
  Medical.rar 2013-01-22 2734 KB
一个较小的医疗门诊系统,用.net2005 和sql server 2000开发。可进行药品管理,门诊收费,病历挂历,并支持打印。-A smaller out-patient health care system, used. Net2005 and sql server 2000 development. Drugs can ma
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:hospital software system
  Pharmacy.rar 2013-01-22 667 KB
system farmacy search and find and all midicn
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:hospital software system
  dicomtobmp.rar 2013-01-22 36 KB
将医学上Dicom格式的图像转换为BMP格式的图像。-Will be on DICOM medical image format conversion for BMP format images.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  Hospital_management.rar 2013-01-22 235 KB
This basic hospital management system with essentials and is build on Java Swings."dscreen.java" is the main class here.-This is basic hospital management system with essentials and is build on Java S
源码类型:Java             源码分类:hospital software system
  daoshuju.rar 2013-01-22 8 KB
这是本人几年前写的一个导医院His数据的小程序。-This is a few years ago I wrote a guide His hospital data applet.
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:hospital software system
  Display-3D-Image.rar 2013-01-22 66 KB
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:hospital software system
  HIS_ALL.rar 2013-01-22 3856 KB
Delphi6开发的HIS程序,内有门诊、住院、护士站、药房、药库等模块。-Delphi6 developed HIS procedures, there are outpatient, hospital, nurses stations, pharmacies, Drug Storehouse modules.
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:hospital software system
  Hospital_his.rar 2013-01-22 1616 KB
医院管理系统前台:病人登记,病人预约,前台交费,药品退费,欠费催款,医生评价医师开医令药房发药,药品管理,退药入库基本设置等-Hospital Management System Front Desk: Patient Registration, Patient booking fee Fr
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  latihan1.rar 2013-01-22 63 KB
graycsale,dilatation, erotion morphology
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  fywei_hospital.rar 2013-01-22 97 KB
医院网站系统,本程序完全实现了医院业务管理的一些基本功能,经过测试完全可用-Web hospital system, this program fully operational implementation of the hospital management to some of the basic features, full
源码类型:PHP             源码分类:hospital software system
  book.rar 2013-01-22 189 KB
网上书店网站系统,本程序完全实现了网上书店业务管理的一些基本功能,经过测试完全可用-Online bookstore web systems, the implementation of this program completely online bookstore business management of some
源码类型:PHP             源码分类:hospital software system
  Ehos_v50.rar 2013-01-22 3634 KB
源码类型:PHP             源码分类:hospital software system
  hospital-3.rar 2013-01-22 2032 KB
医院网站的后台管理程序,经过本人测试完全可用,本医院后台的推展功能很好,便于用户拓展-Backgrounds of the hospital website management procedures, after I test fully available, the hospital&#39 s extended feat
源码类型:C++ Builder             源码分类:hospital software system
  hospital-2.rar 2013-01-22 6670 KB
本程序系统完全实现了医院网站程序的全部功能的前台和后台程序,当然也有需要测试的地方,经测试完全可用-This procedure system is fully web implementation procedures of the hospital all of the features of Front
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:hospital software system
  hospital-1.rar 2013-01-22 16907 KB
本程序系统完全实现了医院网站程序的全部功能的前台和后台程序,当然也有需要测试的地方,经测试完全可用-This procedure system is fully web implementation procedures of the hospital all of the features of Front
源码类型:PHP             源码分类:hospital software system
  CheckWindows.rar 2013-01-22 689 KB
这是一个医院门诊的检查窗口馐且桓鲆皆好耪锏募觳榇翱This is a check WindowsThis is a check WindowsThis is a check Windows
源码类型:C++ Builder             源码分类:hospital software system
  syyj10.rar 2013-01-22 14 KB
很强大的一款医药管理软件 很强大的一款医药管理软件 很强大的一款医药管理软件-A very powerful medicine management software
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:hospital software system
  csharphospital.rar 2013-01-22 4245 KB
用c#编写的医院管理系统(部分源码),sqlserver数据库文件在data目录中-Prepared to use c# hospital management system (part of source), sqlserver database file in the data directory
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:hospital software system
  E.rar 2013-01-22 1 KB
源码类型:Others             源码分类:hospital software system
  yexlldcxt.rar 2013-01-22 1095 KB
简要说明:对医院幼儿心理情况做的一个调查,统计系统.-A brief description of: the case of infant mental hospital to do an investigation, the statistical system.
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:hospital software system
  HQSS.rar 2013-01-22 20470 KB
有关医院方向的开发,进行医院的管理。大家请参考。-The direction of the development of the hospital, the hospital management. Please refer to everyone.
源码类型:Java             源码分类:hospital software system
  Hospital_M204679272007.rar 2013-01-22 3 KB
hospital management codes
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  yygl.rar 2013-01-22 1103 KB
医药管理系统VF。这是本人在网上找到的,如果可以帮助你你可以选择下载,希望我能帮助你。-Pharmaceutical management system VF. This is I found online, if you can help you select download, I hope you can help m
源码类型:VFP             源码分类:hospital software system
  Medicine_Management_System.rar 2013-01-22 2707 KB
一个完整的FoxPro 6.0编写的医药管理系统-FoxPro 6.0 a complete management system for the preparation of the medicine
源码类型:VFP             源码分类:hospital software system
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  1. guahao
  2. MedicineManager
  3. MShop0830
  4. LIS-Interface
  5. SisFarm
  6. HighLightSolution
  7. HIM_new
  8. Display-3D-Image
  9. 医院管理系统(处方发药)
  10. hospitalSearch