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源码名称: hospitalSearch
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: JavaScript
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 654 KB
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源码作者 : 李志敏
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 医院门诊查询系统,jsp实例,适合做毕业设计,由运行时源文件和供开发使用的程序及数据库,比较齐全将运行演示程序中的hospital文件夹全部考到Tomcat的webapps下在Tomcat中创建虚拟目录,步骤如下:(1)打开浏览器进入Tomcat后台管理页面(/admin)(2)在左面打开Tomcat Server/Service/Host(localhost)(3)在context action 中选择Creat New Context(4)在document base 后面输入应用程序所在目录,可是绝对路径也可是相对路径(5)path后面输入hospital(6)保存,确认保存(7)启动Tomcat,在地址栏中输入http://localhost:8080/hospital-hospital out-patient inquiry system, jsp example, suitable for graduation design, running from the source document for the development and use of the procedures and databases, more complete demonstration program will run the hospital folder full examination of the Tomcat webap ps Tomcat under the virtual directory created, the steps are as follows : (1) Open the browser into the background Tomcat management pages (/ admin) (2) To open in the left side of MCAT Server/Service/Host (localhost) (3) in co ntext action choose Creat New Context (4) in <http://www.un.org/ t base behind the importation of application directory, But absolute path but also the relative path (5) path behind the importation of hospital (6) preservation, recognize the preservation (7) Start Tomcat, in the address

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