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  DPRC.rar 2013-03-02 854 KB
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
  air_line_calculation.rar 2013-03-02 11 KB
用于摄影测量航带网概算的程序,用VB编制,文件格式说明详细,但没有帮助文件。-For Photogrammetry with net budget flight procedures, using VB preparation, the file format description in detail, but no help file
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:transportation applications
  query_bejing_transport.rar 2013-03-02 769 KB
北京市公交车查询系统(VC)对公交系统的查询-Beijing Bus Inquiry System (VC) on the public transportation system query
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
  kalmanfiltertotrackingsimulink.rar 2013-03-02 1 KB
些程序是一个雷达跟踪一目标的仿真图形,可实现kalman滤波的估计轨迹与真实轨迹的误差,并分别可绘出X,Y方向的跟踪误差,对初学都来说,是一个非常好的学习例子-These procedures is one goal of a radar tracking simul
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:transportation applications
  4.rar 2013-03-02 1 KB
公交站点的搜索算法,可以求出最近的站点路线-Bus site search algorithm, you can find the nearest site line
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
  car.rar 2013-03-02 24 KB
包括出车记录,回车记录,车辆报废等等功能十分强大-Including the maximum number of records, return records, motor vehicle, and so very powerful
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:transportation applications
  no13.rar 2013-03-02 37 KB
STK在计算机仿真中的应用程序第十三个程序,模拟航空航天以及战场仿真,很好的系统真实太空环境的仿真软件。-STK in the computer simulation applications in the thirteenth procedures, simulation of Aeronautics an
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
  no12.rar 2013-03-02 37 KB
STK在计算机仿真中的应用程序第十一个程序,模拟航空航天以及战场仿真,很好的系统真实太空环境的仿真软件。-STK in the computer simulation applications in the tenth of a process, aerospace simulation, as well a
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
  no11.rar 2013-03-02 873 KB
STK在计算机仿真中的应用程序,模拟航空航天以及战场仿真,很好的系统真实太空环境的仿真软件。-STK in the computer simulation applications, simulation of Aeronautics and Astronautics, as well as battlefield si
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
  TrafficExecLaw.rar 2013-03-02 371 KB
wince下交警执法程序源码,使用evc编写-wince traffic police enforcement procedures under the source, the use of EVC prepared
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
  StepMotor1.rar 2013-03-02 5 KB
步进电机失步情况的一个仿真.这是一个比较完整的方针,但是仅仅考虑了在单个脉冲下的失步情况.-Stepper motor out-of-step situation in a simulation. This is a relatively comprehensive approach, but considered
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:transportation applications
  no19.rar 2013-03-02 1152 KB
STK在计算机仿真中的应用程序第十九个程序,模拟航空航天以及战场仿真,很好的系统真实太空环境的仿真软件。-STK in the computer simulation applications in the nineteenth procedures, simulation of Aeronautics an
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
  no18.rar 2013-03-02 2153 KB
STK在计算机仿真中的应用程序第十八个程序,模拟航空航天以及战场仿真,很好的系统真实太空环境的仿真软件。-STK in the computer simulation applications in the eighteenth procedures, simulation of Aeronautics an
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
  no16.rar 2013-03-02 112 KB
STK在计算机仿真中的应用程序第十七个程序,模拟航空航天以及战场仿真,很好的系统真实太空环境的仿真软件。-STK in the computer simulation applications in the seventeenth procedures, simulation of Aeronautics a
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
  no15.rar 2013-03-02 45 KB
STK在计算机仿真中的应用程序第十五个程序,模拟航空航天以及战场仿真,很好的系统真实太空环境的仿真软件。-STK in the computer simulation applications in the fifteenth procedures, simulation of Aeronautics and
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
  no14.rar 2013-03-02 1183 KB
STK在计算机仿真中的应用程序第十四个程序,模拟航空航天以及战场仿真,很好的系统真实太空环境的仿真软件。-STK in the computer simulation applications fourteenth procedures, simulation of Aeronautics and Astro
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
  MapX.rar 2013-03-02 3 KB
应用MapX控件实现查询的功能并不太难。MapX为我们提供了Find、FindFeature等对象,可以用来实现我们需要的功能:)-Application of MapX control to achieve the functions of query is not too difficult. MapX provides
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:transportation applications
  L2_RTI_EO1.tar.rar 2013-03-02 4090 KB
一个非常好的人工智能开发工具开源软件,曾在美国航空航天项目中获得广泛应用。-A very good open-source software development tools, artificial intelligence, have in the United States aerospace projects, is w
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:transportation applications
  DeviceInforModify.rar 2013-03-02 9 KB
纯代码实现了从Oracle数据库中调用并添加、修改、删除设备信息表记录的功能。-Net code from the Oracle database call and add, modify, delete the device information table record function.
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:transportation applications
  LongJi.rar 2013-03-02 1847 KB
一个农用车辆管理系统的雏形,界面图片在系统加载时从数据库读入,这样减少了程序体积,我个人认为值得采用。-A farm vehicle management system prototype, the interface image in the system load read from the databa
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
  plane.rar 2013-03-02 33 KB
飞机订票系统,自己做的。没有多大实际应用价值,不过这个代码对于大家学习还是很有用的。-Aircraft booking system that they do. There is not much practical value, but the code for them to learn from or very us
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
  MapTipsVisual_Basic.rar 2013-03-02 12 KB
ArcEngine开发地图提示条控件,fr-ArcEngine article prompted the development of map control, fr
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:transportation applications
  chap09.rar 2013-03-02 1570 KB
1.系统采用MapxX4.0进行GIS开发,因此首先要安装该控件。2.系统采用Access数据库作为后台数据库,读者也可以将其导入到SQL Server中。-1. MapxX4.0 to GIS system development, therefore we must first install the con
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:transportation applications
  mod_rssim6.rar 2013-03-02 1009 KB
modbus PLC 模拟程序,可以用来模拟modbus设备。-modbus PLC simulation program can be used to simulate the Modbus devices.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
  Neobus0.1-2.rar 2013-03-02 642 KB
这是一个用C++编写的公交车查询系统,可以选择多种线路。-This is a C++ Prepared query system bus, you can choose a variety of lines.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
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  3. 软件工程实例订票系统
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  5. jksynew
  6. yxkd
  7. shui_kong
  8. headfile
  9. vehicle-Detection
  10. Zoom