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源码名称: 交通查询系统
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: transportation applications
文件大小: 530 KB
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源码作者 : 雨后阳光
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: (1) 提供对城市信息进行编辑(添加或删除)的功能.(2) 城市之间有两种交通工具:火车和飞机.提供对列车时刻表和飞机航班进行编辑(增设或删除)的功能.(3) 提供两种最优策略:最快到达或最省钱到达.全程只考虑一种交通工具.(4) 旅途中耗费的总时间应该包括中转站的等候时间.(5) 咨询以用户和计算机的对话方式进行.由拥护输入起始站,最优策略原则的交通工具,输入信息:最快需要多长时间才能到达或者最少需要多少旅费才能到达,并详细说明依次何时乘坐哪一班列车或者哪一次班机到何地.-(1) to provide information on the city editor (add or delete) function. (2) Town between the two modes : Train and aircraft. Schedules for the train and flights for editing (created or deleted) function. (3) provide two Optimal strategy : to reach the fastest or the most money arrived. consider a whole only means of transport. (4) journey to the total time spent should include transit stations waiting time. (5) advice to computer users and the dialogue manner. supported input from the starting point, the principle of optimal strategy the transport, importation of information : how long the fastest to reach, or at least the number of travel to reach and detail what followed when the train ride or which one flight to wherever.

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