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源码名称: version1017
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Others
源码分类: transportation applications
文件大小: 6 KB
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源码作者 : 大乔
整理时间: 2013-03-02
源码简介: 使用海尔集成电路的hr6p67做的一款氙气大灯安定器的源代码;已经完成测试,目前还没有发现bug;由于hr6p67的代码只能使用汇编,因此比较难调;另外,代码中,没有使用变量,都是直接使用地址操作,但在文档结尾,使用了注释,用变量名对应的方式表明了各个地址的含义,读代码的时候要特别留意,不然会读不懂程序;开发环境可到海尔集成电路网站下载-Haier IC hr6p67 done using a xenon lamp ballast of the source code have completed testing, has not found bug because hr6p67 can only use the code compilation, so more difficult to tune In addition, the code, there is no the use of variables, are used directly address operations, but in the end of the document, using the annotations, using the variable name corresponds to the way that the meaning of various addresses, read the code should pay special attention to, or will not read programs

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