源码简介: |
服务器端启动服务端:com.tarena.abs.server.ServerMainClass一、航班管理模块1、添加飞机型号2、添加航班计划 3、删除航班计划 4、查询“全部”航班计划 5、查询“指定”航班计划二、代理商管理模块6、注册代理商管理7、添加代理商8、修改注册资料9、修改积分10、删除三、订单管理模块11、查看订单12、业绩统计四、系统信息13、制作信息:( * 任选开发)实现主要功能是描述哪个项目组开发,开发人员有哪些,开发日期,结束日期.14、帮助文档:( * 任选开发)实现主要功能是描述系统中每种操作的作用。五、休闲娱乐15、把自己以前开发的游戏(如扫雷、砸金花、五子棋)嵌入到系统中,目的考查大家开发的游戏程序的移植性和系统兼容性。客户端启动客户端:com.tarena.abs.client. ClientMainClass一、连接设置1、注销登陆2、设置连接参数3、退出系统二、客户信息4、基本信息(已实现)5、修改密码6、历史记录:以往售出的订单项信息三、查询航班7、查询(难点) 四、添加订单项8、添加到订单(难点): 9、“删除”订单项:10、出票(难点) -We want to a ticket agent to develop a ticket booking system, which called for the adoption of a proxy at each point of the distribution of the client machine complete the check flight and ticket functions. The software system consists of two parts, installed in the agency point of the machine of the system on the program is the client software There is also installed on the agency s server-side software on the machine. Client software to complete the communication with the server, according to the given origin and destination and flight departure date to send a query to the server and the ticket requests. Server-side software to accept client requests to complete the flight search and ticket function returns the results to the client. At the same time, server-side software agents can carry out the management of records and statistics point of the volume of business of each agency and to the way the log files saved.ServerStart the server: com.tarena.abs.server.ServerMainClass