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源码名称: shebeixunjian
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: Post-TeleCom sofeware systems
文件大小: 358 KB
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源码作者 : 陈浩
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 设备巡检操作系统 本程序是专门为某电厂开发的设备巡检系统,无需更改,便可以直接应用到实际中。1、本程序可免费使用及修改。2、本程序使用第三控件fastReport,Vclskin2.68,MsComm等组件(控件)。有关使用问题请和本人联系。qq:3691202-equipment Inspection procedures of the operating system specifically for the development of a power plant equipment inspection system without changes, it can be applied directly to the practice. One, the procedure is free to use and modification. 2, the procedures use the third component fastReport, Vclskin2.68, MsComm other components (controls). The use of links and I requested. Qq : 3691202

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