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源码名称: shuzihuabiandianzhan
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: Energy industry
文件大小: 144 KB
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源码作者 : macrotone
整理时间: 2013-01-17
源码简介: 介绍了基于Rogowski 线圈采集变电站中电流信号的研究与实现,阐述了系统的组成及工作原理。设计了高压侧的硬件电路,并对器件的选择做了的具体说明,给出了低压侧信号处理的主流程图。自制了一个 Rogowski 线圈,并做了特殊设计,给出了测试接线图。实验结果表明,自制的线圈具有良好的线性度和较小的测量误差,可用于数字变电站中实现电流的采集。-Introduced based on Rogowski coil current signal acquisition substation in the research and implementation, described the composition and working principle of the system. The hardware design of the high-pressure side of the circuit, and the choice of device specific instructions to do a given low-voltage side of the main signal processing flow chart. Made a Rogowski coil, and made a special design, gives the test wiring diagram. The results show that the coil made a good linearity and small measurement error, can be used for digital substation for current collection.

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