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源码名称: mandelbrot
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: matlab
源码分类: Energy industry
文件大小: 2 KB
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源码作者 : jer
整理时间: 2013-01-12
源码简介: function mandelbrot Plots a Mandelbrot fractal which is updated after you zoom in Define options, all options are stored in OPT structureOPT.mm = 700 number of pixels (detail) in x directionOPT.nn = 400 number of pixels (detail) in y directionOPT.max_iteration = 500 higher number makes calculation slower, but up to 1e5 calculation time is still acceptableOPT.colorFcn = @() jet OPT.plotFcn = @(c) mod(c ,100) OPT.updateTime = 0.5 interval at which to update drawing OPT.plotFcn = @c) log(c )*10 some examples for scaling of the colors OPT.plotFcn = @(c) c no scaling-function mandelbrot Plots a Mandelbrot fractal which is updated after you zoom in Define options, all options are stored in OPT structureOPT.mm = 700 number of pixels (detail) in x directionOPT.nn = 400 number of pixels (detail) in y directionOPT.max_iteration = 500 higher number makes calculation slower, but up to 1e5 calculation time is still acceptableOPT.colorFcn = @() jet OPT.plotFcn = @(c) mod(c ,100) OPT.updateTime = 0.5 interval at which to update drawing OPT.plotFcn = @c) log(c )*10 some examples for scaling of the colors OPT.plotFcn = @(c) c no scaling

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