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源码名称: Drug-stocks
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual Basic
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 1517 KB
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源码作者 : wangnan
整理时间: 2013-01-12
源码简介: 1)录入药品名称、规格、批号、价格、生产厂家、供货商、包装单位、发药单位等药品信息以及医疗保险信息中的医疗保险类别和处方药标志。2)提供药品入库、出库、调价、调拨、盘点、报损丢失、退药等功能。3)提供特殊药品入库、出库管理功能(如:赠送、实验药品等)。4)提供药品库存的日结、月结、年结功能,并能校对账目及库存的平衡关系。5)可随时生成各种药品的入库明细、出库明细、盘点明细、调价明细、调拨明细、报损明细、退药明细以及上面各项的汇总数据。-1) Drug entry name, size, batch number, price, manufacturer, supplier, packaging units, dispensing units and other drug information and medical insurance information in the categories of health insurance and prescription drug signs. 2) The provision of drugs storage, a library, price adjustment, allocation, inventory, reported damage loss, drug withdrawal and other functions. 3) special medicine storage, a library management functions (such as: gifts, experimental drugs, etc.). 4) to provide day-end inventory of drugs, monthly statements, year end functions, and to proofread the balance between the accounts and inventory. 5) can be generated at any time details of a variety of drugs storage, a library details, inventory details, price adjustment details, transfer details, reported loss of detail, drug withdrawal, and above all detailed summary of data.

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