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源码名称: ODSS
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Java
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 4100 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : venkat
整理时间: 2013-01-08
源码简介: Drug supply system using online is the good way for ordering the medicines of the required company. These days the medicines are ordering through the phone calls and sending mails. It is an lengthy process. There is chance to miss the product. The proposed system facilitates the customers (ie., medical shop owners) to place their orders through online. It will help the end users to satisfy their requirements and also this will keep track the information about various users like vendor and customer. This online process will update the database simultaneously. So, the custormer can know about the new product is available or not.

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