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源码名称: shoper
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Delphi
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 422 KB
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源码作者 : awei
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 1 本软件可用于商业用途,但是要email给我 wwei168@sohu.com2 开发环境 d6 up2,sqlserver2000, win2000 server 1024*768(笔记本电脑) c/s3 第三方控件,ehlib2.1,fastreport2.45,xpmenu,snccurrency ,(有可能用到express bar 但是可以在umain删除引用单元,因为没用到)可到51delphi ,cakk.delphibbs.com下载4 数据库配置方法,在sqlserver2000新建yd数据库,关闭数据库服务器,用压缩包中的数据库文件覆盖原文件5 编译,首先检测第三方控件是否安装完全,改变udm模块中的adoconn的connstring,使其与yd联接6 不足 1。无并发控制。多客户端操作容易出错, 2。无社保购药接口,无ic卡,扫描仪接口,出款方式简单,不支持欠帐 3。数据库设计不太理想 4,库存采用加权移动平均法,用先入先出法更合理, 5。程序有些处理方法采用了非正常手段,不易维护 6。报表没有采用票据打印机, 7。统计功能还要完善 8。所在与库存操作都采用一个tcr(tdataset)不合理, 9。没有处理药品折扣 10。。。。。。 观迎来信讨论程序问题!-a software can be used for commercial purposes, but to email me wwei168@sohu.com 2 development environment d6 up2, sqlserver2000, WIN2000 server 1024* 768 (notebook computer) c/s three third-party controls, ehlib2.1, fastreport2.45, xpmenu , snccurrency (some might use express bar but it is invoked in umain delete modules, as unused) to 51delphi, four cakk.delphibbs.com download configuration database, the database sqlserver2000 new yd closed database servers, which use compressed database the original paper documents covering five compiler, the first third-party testing controls installed completely change udm Module of the connstring adoconn, it yd connection with a six under. Without concurrency control. Multi-client operation, prone to error, 2. Overplay interface without social sec

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