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源码名称: 校医院管理系统(毕业)
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Delphi
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 3661 KB
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整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 是用于:毕业设计使用!首先运行数据库还原目录中的PROJECT,将数据库还原如果还原失败,则进行手动还原,数据库名:data本次毕业设计任务是通过开发一个数据库校医院门诊收费管理系统,学习用delphi开发分布式多层数据库系统。采用Delphi7.0和MS Server2000等软件为开发工具-is for : graduation design! First of all database operations reinstate the PROJECT directory, the database will be reduced if the reduction fails, then manually restore the database name : data graduated from the design task is through the development of a database hospital outpatient charges for school management system, open to learn from delphi the Distributed Multi-database system. Using Delphi 7.0 and MS Server 2000 software development tools for

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