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源码名称: java-a-datebase-for-hospital
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Java
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 1367 KB
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源码作者 : chenhao
整理时间: 2013-01-22
源码简介: 系统主要完成两方面的功能和服务:一是支持管理医院各职能部门尤其是以门诊为核心的诊疗部门的功能,二是向参与医疗活动的各方面的参与者(患者、医生、医院各部门管理人员等)提供有效的信息服务。分别提供医务人员客户端、患者客户端、门诊挂号客户端、门诊划价客户端、药房管理客户端、系统管理员客户端。-System to complete two major functions and services: First, to support management functions particularly in hospitals and outpatient clinics at the core of the department s functions, and second, to participate in all aspects of medical activities of the participants (patients, doctors, hospitals and departments management, etc.) to provide effective information services. Provide medical personnel were the client, patient client, patient registration client, the client-patient designated price, pharmacy management client, the system administrator client.

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