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源码名称: MedicalDC
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 2426 KB
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源码作者 : liaogq
整理时间: 2013-01-22
源码简介: 数据处理控件MedicalDC是公司开发的用于医疗系统的数据处理模块,此模块可以完成整个医疗系统的绝大部分底层操作:查询设备,读取数据,发送报警,设备离线检查等。使用此控件只需要按规定配置数据库就能运行(数据库主要与“医疗网络版服务器”软件共用一个,因此数据库的格式与“医疗网络版服务器”一致)-Data processing control MedicalDC is developed for the health care system data processing module, this module can complete the entire health care system, most of the underlying operations: query the device, read data, send alerts, equipment off-line inspection. Use this control can only run according to the provisions of the configuration database (the database key and the " health care network server" software share one, so the database format and the " health care network server" line)

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