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源码名称: MedManager
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Java
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 486 KB
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源码作者 : bjqt_2011
整理时间: 2013-01-22
源码简介: 这是一个医药管理系统,该系统分为四大功能模块,分别为基本信息管理、进货/需求管理、药品销售管理和系统管理模块;医药管理系统由4层结构组成,并遵循MVC结构进行设计。4层结构分别为表现层,业务逻辑层、持久层与数据库层,本系统为Msql数据库-This is a medical management system, which is divided into four modules, namely, basic information management, purchase/demand management, pharmaceutical sales management and system management module pharmaceutical management system consists of four layers composition, structure and follow the MVC design . 4-layer structure was the presentation layer, business logic, persistence layer and database layer, the database system Msql

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