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[交通业]  SOURCE.rar 2013-03-02 146 KB
一款车载DVD的车机源程序(正在生成中的哦),车机原程序显示:T100A,收音ST7540(信发高频头),电视:特纳3321QF(全制式),碟盒三洋,DVD是不能说的,时间ICCF8563 这可是一台批量生产的机器的完整原程序,价值大大的.-A car DVD
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  cehui.rar 2013-03-02 368 KB
GPS网平差计算,高程网的数据输入输出,平面网的数据输入输出-GPS network adjustment, the net elevation data input and output, flat network input and output data
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  celiang.rar 2013-03-02 4308 KB
普通平差程序,闭合导线计算,矩阵类定义,矩阵求逆,导线平差,高程平差-General adjustment procedures, closed traverse, the matrix class definition, matrix inversion, wire Adjustment, Height Adjustment
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  LayerPropertiesControl.rar 2013-03-02 98 KB
具有浏览图层信息功能 打开图层信息 以数据表的形式浏览 修改-Layers of information has enabled browser layer data sheet information to modify the form of browser
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  traffic.rar 2013-03-02 6 KB
TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROLLER using C51 and RTX-51 tiny,This program is a simple Traffic Light Controller. Between start time and end time the system controls a traffic light with pedestrian self-service.
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  two-music.rar 2013-03-02 4 KB
通过比较两个music算法,得出哪一个实用性比较好-Music by comparing the two algorithms, which reached a relatively good practicality
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  chepai.rar 2013-03-02 4412 KB
车牌定位c++源码,本人编辑的地方车辆号牌识别.-License plate location c++ Source, I edited the vehicle number plate recognition places.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  Ballistics.rar 2013-03-02 356 KB
在无投弹误差条件下,对制导炸弹的方案弹道方程组求解,求得炸弹落点C处的标准射程X(对应 )以及主要的弹道参数-In the absence of bomb error conditions, the program of guided bombs ballistic Equations to obtain the
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  utility.rar 2013-03-02 1956 KB
坐标转换工具 WGS84坐标转换为地方坐标系的程序 以及各种三维坐标系之间的转换-Coordinate conversion tools convert WGS84 coordinates coordinates place the procedures and a variety of three-dimensional coor
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  GPSpingcha.rar 2013-03-02 2091 KB
矩阵求逆函数矩阵转置函数平差结构数据文件输入稳健估计极大权法平差函数-Matrix inversion function matrix transpose function adjustment structure data file input robust estimation method with maximal weig
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  tuxing.rar 2013-03-02 29 KB
画直线,画圆,求两点之间的距离,同心圆动态效果,图形旋转操作-Drawing a straight line, circle, and the distance between two points, the dynamic effect of concentric circles, graphics rotation operation
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  tfdp.rar 2013-03-02 48 KB
此程序是完成的土方调配,可以根据路线数据文件生成标准的-土方调配表格。具有准确、标准、快速等优点。是交通公路行业不可缺少的软件之一。-This process is the completion of the earthwork allocation, data files
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  gongqiaojisuan.rar 2013-03-02 8 KB
此代码是用fortern编写的。是拱桥的计算代码,此代码是计算拱桥的完整代码。适用于桥梁研究生对拱桥进行分析计算。-This code is used fortern prepared. Is the calculation of arch code, this code is the calculat
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  Apd_2.rar 2013-03-02 6 KB
fortran写的多层弹性体系的弹性力学求解,可用于路面力学计算。-fortran write multi-layer flexible system for solving elasticity, can be used to calculate the road mechanics.
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  robot.rar 2013-03-02 1258 KB
机器人轨迹控制 机器人仿真设计 机器人优化设计的很好的源程序-Robot trajectory control of robot simulation robot designed to optimize the design of good source
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  Complex.rar 2013-03-02 11 KB
复数计算,实现复数的加减乘除,求模,求主幅角,求共轭等功能-Plural terms, the realization of complex addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and modulus, and the main pieces of angle, and co
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  dongtaishumaguan.rar 2013-03-02 1 KB
动态数码管显示技术.通过c51编程控制数码管的动态显示-Dynamic digital tube display technology. C51 programming control through the dynamic display of digital tube
源码类型:Asm             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  transport.rar 2013-03-02 980 KB
基于Java的物流管理系统的开发与应用,应用到数据库-Java-based logistics management system development and application, application to the database
源码类型:Java             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  applicationofMapxinGIS.rar 2013-03-02 5073 KB
用第三方控键完成的GIS二次开发功能程序,对行业用户应用相当有效-Completed by third-party control key functions of the secondary development of GIS procedures, user applications on the industry quite effec
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  biaogaojisuan.rar 2013-03-02 149 KB
此程序采用Fortern和AutoCAD中的脚本结合开发而成,可以计算桥梁桥面标高和绘制其标高、桩号等图形。非常值得借鉴!-This procedure and the use of AutoCAD in Fortern script developed, can calculate the bridge dec
源码类型:Others             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  lmb.rar 2013-03-02 96 KB
lmb--路面工程数量计算软件,采用VB编写,可以直接输出多个EXCEl表格,此程序是交通道路设计不可缺少的软件之一,强烈推荐-LMB the number of road engineering calculation software, using VB to prepare, can be directly
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  TMS.rar 2013-03-02 308 KB
TMS(小型票务管理VB+Access)-TMS (small ticketing management VB+ Access)
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  computeWaterConductivity.rar 2013-03-02 1 KB
compute Water Conductivity
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  System.rar 2013-03-02 834 KB
本软件为车站售票服务,能够提供查询班次,预定座位,取消预定等功能-The software for the ticketing service stations to provide query frequency, reservation, cancellation and other functions
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
[交通业]  EllipseVolume.rar 2013-03-02 909 KB
本人用Vc实现的一个 遥控飞艇 辅助设计 软件,该版本为 初略参数设计版。 vc6
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:transportation applications
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  1. PartialDischarge
  2. neidianfa
  3. Vchuli
  4. GPS
  5. isar
  6. 软件工程实例订票系统
  7. a
  8. 飞机订票系统课程设计源代码c++
  9. WaterPro-v7.0P
  10. guahao