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源码名称: qiantanrenliziyuan
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Others
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 111 KB
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源码作者 : terry
整理时间: 2013-01-10
源码简介: 浅谈人力资源信息系统中排班问题的解决方案 功能完善的人力资源信息系统在企业管理信息系统中是通用性较高的个子系统.排班虽然只是其中个很小的方而.但却是考勤、工资计算及体假统计的基础.其地位及作用却是}分重要-On the human resources information system solutions scheduling function of a sound human resources information systems in the enterprise management information system is a higher degree of common sub-systems. Scheduling although only one side and a very small. But it is attendance, wage calculation and physical basis of false statistics. its status and role is very important)

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