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源码名称: rsgl
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 4339 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : 熊政
整理时间: 2013-01-10
源码简介: 内容及要求: 1注册新职工,添加新职工的详细信息, 如:职工号,姓名,出生年份,性别,职称,部门,工资等; 2按姓名,部门等条件进行查询; 3修改和删除职工信息; 4按工资高低进行排序; 5把各项纪录存储在文本文件中。 -Content and requirements: 1 Registration of new employees, add new employees detailed information, such as: staff number, name, year of birth, gender, job title, sector, wages, etc. 2 by name, department and other conditions of inquiry 3 workers to modify and delete information 4 sort by wage level five of the records stored in a text file.

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  • rsgl中级

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