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源码名称: ufntour
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual Basic
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 4278 KB
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源码作者 : woodfish
整理时间: 2013-01-08
源码简介: 基于强大的UFN.NET Technology(UFN.NET技术)架构,主要包括旅行社业务管理系统、旅行社信息门户系统、旅行社在线分销系统、旅行社营销系统、旅行社客户关系管理系统,是一个能使客户、合作伙伴、供应商和员工随时随地顺利进行业务处理和交易的整体协作平台。-Based on the powerful UFN.NET Technology (UFN.NET technical) architecture, including business travel management systems, travel information portal system, online travel agency distribution system, travel agencies marketing system, travel agents, customer relationship management system is a mechanism that would enable customers, partners, suppliers and employees anytime, anywhere the smooth conduct of business and trade deal with the overall collaboration platform.

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