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源码名称: Ehrms
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: Windows Kernel
文件大小: 10122 KB
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源码作者 : 黄本杰
整理时间: 2013-09-12
源码简介: 主要对企业员工信息和工资进行管理。将企业员工按工种的不同分为经理、销售人员、技术人员、销售经理和技术总监5类人员。该系统具有5类人员信息的添加、删除、修改、查询、浏览、保存和计算工资等功能。-Major corporate employee information and payroll management. Employees staff managers, salespeople, technicians, sales manager and technical director at the different types of work is divided into five categories. The system has five categories of personnel information to add, delete, modify, query, browse, save and calculate wages and other functions.

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