源码简介: |
手机销售信息管理系统的设计与开发,从根本上解决整个商品销售流程中数据处理效率低,处理能力差等操作过程中表现出来的不足之处。方便对商品资料、销售业绩等进行高效的管理。使用该程序,管理层可以及时查询、管理商品,还可以对当前销售业绩进行一些统计,给出统计表格,以便全面掌握商品的销售情况。(一个完整的手机销售系统,内含说明文档,课程设计报告)-Mobile phone sales information management system design and development, a fundamental solution to the merchandise sales data processing process inefficient, poor capacity during the operation shown deficiencies. Facilitate product information, sales performance for efficient management. Use the program, check in time management, management of goods, but also some of the current sales statistics, statistical tables are given in order to have complete control of the sale of goods. (A complete mobile marketing system that includes documentation, curriculum design report)