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源码名称: aaaa
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: Shop supermarket software system
文件大小: 55 KB
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源码作者 : 田天文
整理时间: 2013-03-02
源码简介: 超市收银管理程序的设计与实现1、系统应具备的功能:(1)商品管理人员对商品信息(商品号、商品名、单价)进行输入、删除、修改和查询。(2)收银人员录入商品号及购买数量,计算应付钱数,实收钱数和应找钱数。(3)对销售情况进行查询。2、数据结构设计;3、主要算法设计;4、编程及上机实现;5、撰写课程设计报告,包括:-Supermarket cash register management program design and implementation of a system should have the function: (1) commodity management of product information (product number, product name, price) to enter, delete, modify, and query. (2) cash register staff input item number and quantity in the calculation of money to cope with the number of real money and should give change a few numbers. (3) sales query. 2, data structure design 3, the main algorithm design 4, programming and implementation on the machine 5 writing curriculum design, including:

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