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源码名称: aaaa
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: matlab
源码分类: Post-TeleCom sofeware systems
文件大小: 2 KB
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源码作者 : mame
整理时间: 2013-01-17
源码简介: 把地理区域分成一个个小区,蜂窝系统在该区域内提供无线覆盖。把可用的频谱分成很多信道,每个小区分配一组信道。使用频分双工(FDD)。在小区间进行频率利用,N个小区构成一个簇,簇间进行频率复用。定义了传播特性(信道参数)以及同频小区的位置。信道的参数包括:小区半径,路径损耗指数,以分贝为单位的对数正态阴影的标准差,基站发射功率级,移动台发射功率级,每个小区的扇区数,扇区化天线的正反向比,要仿真的瞬时位置的组数,同频干扰阈值。-To a geographical area is divided into small areas, cellular systems in the region to provide wireless coverage. The available spectrum is divided into multi-channel, each plot the distribution of a group of channels. The use of frequency division duplex (FDD). In the district between the frequency of use, N plots constitute a cluster, cluster between frequency reuse. The definition of the propagation characteristics (channel parameters), as well as with the frequency of residential location. Channel parameters include: cell radius, path loss index to decibels for units Lognormal shadow of the standard deviation, the base station transmitter power level, mobile station transmitting power level, the number of sectors in each district, sector of the antenna the pros and cons to the ratio, to the transient simulation of the group a few positions, the same frequency interference threshold.

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