源码简介: |
优品致远社团信息管理系统v1.0是国内第一流的大学社团信息管理系统,能够多条件精确搜索到会员群之后,带昵称给会员群发手机短信,带昵称给会员群发Email邮件,通过Excel数据文档批量导入会员数据,能够通过后台直接导出全部的会员信息,可以精准匹配会员之后,导出筛选之后的会员。可以自行添加、修改、删除会员,字段为:学院、系、专业、班级、姓名、学号、密码、手机、QQ、email、办公电话、地址、邮编、博客等等,可扩展字段。记录与会员的交往记录,让您管理社团如鱼得水,游刃有余。-Excellent product Zhiyuan Societies Information Management System v1.0 is the domestic first-class university the consortium information management system, able to multi-condition accurate search to a member group, with a nickname mass mobile phone text messages to the member with the nickname Member bulk Email messages through the Excel data the document batch import member data, and be able to export all of the member information directly through the background, can be accurate matching Member, export members after the screening. Can add, modify, delete member field: colleges, departments, professional, class, name, student number, password, phone, QQ, email, office phone, address, zip code, blog, etc., can be extended field. Record contacts with Member record, you manage Societies like a duck to water, with ease.