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源码名称: test13
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: Windows Develop
文件大小: 2 KB
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源码作者 : chen
整理时间: 2013-09-10
源码简介: (1) 编写程序,对实验12增加教师类(包括教师编号、教师姓名、年龄);(2) 编写程序,实现教师类的年龄增加(学生类也有年龄增加,且性质相同,所以应该把这部分抽象到一个父类中,如:人类);(3) 编写程序,实现每实例化一个人(无论是老师类对象,还是学生类对象)都打印有多少人;-(1) write a program to test 12 increase class teachers (including teachers no., name, age) (2) write a program, the realization of teachers class of increasing age (student class also with increasing age, and same properties, so you should put this part of the abstract in a parent class, such as humans) (3) write a program, the realization of each instantiation of a person class object (whether the teacher class object, or students) how many people are there in all print

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