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可以实现学生信息的管理.学生信息包括:学号,姓名,年龄,性别,出生年月,地址,电话,E-mail等。试设计一学生信息管理系统,使之能提供以下功能:1、系统以菜单方式工作2、学生信息录入功能(学生信息用文件保存)--输入3、学生信息浏览功能--输出4、学生信息查询功能--算法 按学号查询按姓名查询5、学生信息的删除与修改-Student Information Management students include: Student ID, name, age, sex, date of birth, address, telephone, E-mail, etc.. Try to design a student information management system, so that it can provide the following features: 1, the system menu work, student information into the function (student information stored with the file)- Input 3 student information browsing function- output 4, students information query- the query algorithm by student number by name query 5, delete and modify student information