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源码名称: ssh901
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Java
源码分类: Jsp/Servlet
文件大小: 487 KB
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源码作者 : 李洋
整理时间: 2013-09-08
源码简介: 这是用JavaEE开发的学生机房上机管理系统,学生一上机等待教师确认,老师确认后计时开始,下机注销。对学生和教师起一个监督考察的作用。同时作为管理员可以很方便的查询学生和教师的上机情况。-This is a JavaEE development of the student Computer Lab Management System, the machine waits for a student teacher recognized teacher confirmed after the start time, the next machine canceled. Students and teachers play a supervisory role in the inspection. At the same time as an administrator, you can easily check on students and teachers, local circumstances.

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