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源码名称: TSGL
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: ADO-ODBC
文件大小: 15314 KB
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源码作者 : 小鲵
整理时间: 2013-09-08
源码简介: 目前,图书市场日益激烈的竞争迫使图书企业希望采用一种新的管理方式来加快图书流通信息的反馈速度,而计算机信息技术的发展为图书管理注入了新的生机。本图书管理系统实现了以下功能:实现图书的入库与入库退货管理。实现图书的库存盘点管理。实现图书的定价、调价管理。实现图书的销售、销售退货管理。实现图书的入库查询、入库退货查询、图书销售查询等信息查询-Currently, the book market increasingly fierce competition forces companies want to adopt a new book management approach to accelerate the speed of book circulation information, feedback, and computer information technology development for the library management has injected new vitality. The library management system to achieve the following functions: storage and warehousing book returns management. Realization books inventory management. Achievement of the book pricing, the price adjustment management. Achieve book sales, sales returns management. Realization books inbound inquiries, warehousing return query, book sales inquiries and other information inquiry

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  • tsgl
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