源码简介: |
运行程序后,可以选择录入教师信息还是学生信息。输入选择后,程序便会依据用户的选择显示各种相应的提示信息。按提示输入完成后,程序会输出用户最近输入的一个人的信息以供确认是否输入正确。此时,用户可以选择继续录入该类信息或返回上一层,也可以直接退出程序.-After running the program, you can choose a student teacher information entered information. Input selection, the program will display a variety of options based on the user' s corresponding message. When prompted, enter complete, the program will output the user has recently entered a person' s information is entered correctly for confirmation. At this point, the user can choose to continue or return to the previous entry level kind of information, you can also exit the program.