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c语言实现 有N个学生,每个学生的数据包含学号(不重复)、姓名、三门课的成绩及平均成绩,试设计一学生成绩管理系统,使之能提供以下功能: (1) 成绩录入,插入后按学号自动排序,创建链表; (2) 成绩文件的存取,创建链表; (3) 成绩的多种查询、修改; (4) 成绩的多种统计、排序;(5) 学生增加、删除、列表。-there are N c language students, each student' s data contains student number (not repeated), name, three course results and average results, try to design a student performance management system, so that it can provide the following functions: (1) results entry, inserted automatically sorted by student number, create lists (2) performance file access, create lists (3) scores a variety of query, modify (4) scores a variety of statistics, sorting (5 ) Students add, delete, list.