源码简介: |
摘要:VB源码,数据库应用,学籍管理 学籍管理程序,VB版源码,测试前需要先打开VB工程,重新设置Form1窗体中Data1控件的DatabaseName属性,为本机上“学生学籍管理.mdb”所在路径。否则运行报错。仅完成一个简单的程序界面,实现学籍内容的添加,对初学VB的程序员来说,是个不错的参考范例。-Abstract: VB source code, database applications, student enrollment management program, the VB version of the source code, test, you need to open the VB project, re-set the DatabaseName property of the Form1 form Data1 control native on the " Student Management. Mdb" where paths. Otherwise run error. Only complete a simple program interface, add enrollment content, beginner VB programmers, it is a good reference example.