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源码名称: jdatakeshea
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Java
源码分类: Windows Develop
文件大小: 214 KB
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源码作者 : 模仿
整理时间: 2013-01-03
源码简介: java做的数据库课程设计方案,连接数据库为SQLServer2000。能实现学生学籍管理,包括学籍录入、查询、修改、删除除、删除。还有学生成绩的增删改查,以及对用户权限的增删改查,功能完全,课设成绩为优秀,欢迎参考,抄袭后果自负。 -java database curriculum design, connect to the database for the SQLServer2000. To achieve the student record management, including enrollment entry, query, modify, delete in addition to, delete. Additions and deletions of student achievement change investigation, as well as CRUD right user permissions to fully functional, the class-based score of excellent, welcome to the reference, plagiarism consequences conceited.

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