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源码名称: Evaluation-of-Teaching-System
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Others
源码分类: Education soft system
文件大小: 1711 KB
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源码作者 : 金谋
整理时间: 2013-01-03
源码简介: 本系统为综合评教系统,实现了学生对自己老师上课表现等方面的评价,还可以区分不同用户登录给不同操作,并且实现了与excel表的连接来完成批量数据的导入导出-System for comprehensive evaluation of teaching system and the evaluation of students' own teacher in the class performance, can also distinguish between different user logs on to a different operation, and to achieve a connection to the excel table to complete the bulk data import and export

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