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  quantui.zip 2013-01-08 138 KB
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Other systems
  IB.zip 2013-01-08 292 KB
online banking system that allow the customer to view their acounts an do their mony transffer online
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  ATMsimulattion.zip 2013-01-08 1 KB
一个很简单的模拟ATM程序,简单地模拟和实现了ATM的功能。-a simple procedure that simulate theATM program.
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Jsp/Servlet
  hanshu.zip 2013-01-08 1029 KB
简易的电子投票平台,vc++-Simple electronic voting platform, vc++ ,,,,,,,,,,,
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:source in ebook
  DZHDLL.zip 2013-01-08 130 KB
利用DZH的公式输出需要的股票日线数据,再不用股票各位一个一个导出Excel数据了-Output of the need to use the formula DZH stock on-line data, and then you do not have a stock of an export Excel data
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Windows Kernel
  gupiao.zip 2013-01-08 211 KB
编写一模拟股票交易的程序,该程序有以下几个功能: 1. 委托申请: 输入:每个委托包括四个数据项,股票编码( 4 位数字)、价格(浮点数)、数量(整数)、买 / 卖( B/S ) 输出: a. 程序为每个委托产生一个唯一的序号( 04d ),该序号从 1 开始; b.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  ATM.zip 2013-01-08 11 KB
简单ATM。实现基本功能,存款取款 修改密码-Simple ATM
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Jsp/Servlet
  jiliang.zip 2013-01-08 1942 KB
计量经济学在金融领域中的作用,有多个模型-Econometrics in the financial sector' s role, there are many models
源码类型:WORD             源码分类:Other Books
  VBMini_Stock.zip 2013-01-08 3 KB
用VB做的看网站股票的软件,给各位参考。-VB to do with the stock software, see the website to give your information.
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Other systems
  gupiao.zip 2013-01-08 10 KB
股票软件的部分代码!是客户端的一部分大家可以下载看看!呵呵 !-The stock portion of the software code! A part of the client you can download to see! Ha ha!
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  bank_3.zip 2013-01-08 1496 KB
这是一个C++开发的简单银行存取系统,包含有MFC界面,以及数据库的数据-This is a C++ developers access to a simple banking system, includes MFC interfaces, and database data
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Other windows programs
  MyMFCView.zip 2013-01-08 1 KB
模拟自动取款机,实现取款、查询、和存款等功能-Simulated automatic teller machines, to achieve withdrawal, inquiry, and deposit functions
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  BANK.zip 2013-01-08 5327 KB
这是两个银行系统,一个是简单的MFC界面,一个则是网页设计的-These are two banking system, a simple MFC interface is a web design
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:WinSock-NDIS
  hjianp4.zip 2013-01-08 56 KB
VS2005下做的国泰君安的网页FLASH股票行情-VS2005 done with Guotai Junan' s website FLASH Stock Quotes
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  Banking.zip 2013-01-08 771 KB
Banking information system
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  china-bank-POS-standard-2006.zip 2013-01-08 1598 KB
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  stock.zip 2013-01-08 490 KB
Linux gtk开发的股票分析软件源码,据说是钱龙软件的前身。已经调试通过,安装gtk和mysql就可以使用。-Linux gtk development of the stock analysis software source code, the software is said to be the predecessor
源码类型:Unix_Linux             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  magnetic_readerv4.zip 2013-01-08 133 KB
magnetic_reader ,解码123磁道,采用M3-2200芯片,或者其他磁卡芯片-magnetic_reader,解码123磁道,采用M3-2200芯片,或者其他磁卡芯片
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  PBOC2.0.zip 2013-01-08 2080 KB
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Other systems
  stock.zip 2013-01-08 87 KB
c语言编写的相应股票传输软件底层和逻辑代码编写,需要进行仔细阅读和分析-The corresponding c language and logic underlying the stock transfer software, code writing, the need for a careful reading and anal
源码类型:C++             源码分类:WinSock-NDIS
  ISO9564.zip 2013-01-04 564 KB
ISO 9564 银行业务--个人密码的安全与管理-ISO 9564 Banking- Personal password security and management
源码类型:Others             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  ATM.zip 2013-01-04 1 KB
ATM系统,数据存储类型为.txt,与数据库比起来,有些难度-ATM systems, data storage type. Txt, compared with the database, some degree of difficulty
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  viideo_seesion_information_system.zip 2013-01-04 9 KB
payroll management for anything
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  bank_.zip 2013-01-04 786 KB
银行的模拟系统,有客户平均排队时间的计算,设置了优先级队列-Bank of simulation system, a customer calculate the average queue time, set the priority queue
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
  shishi.zip 2013-01-04 3 KB
实时股票数据行情,凳惫善笔菪星实时股票数据行情-very good about gu piao give you learn so we can learn gu piao very good and load a lot of money thank you
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Finance-Stock software system
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  1. FoxFmlDevelope
  2. HqGenerator
  3. stockAny
  4. FoxFmlDevelope
  5. FXunion.com_Condarolina_v2
  6. Stock2Txt
  8. mt4api
  9. CTP_MdApi
  10. marvis-CTP-20503bd