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源码名称: bank
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Java
源码分类: Finance-Stock software system
文件大小: 15322 KB
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源码作者 : MR LIANG
整理时间: 2013-01-17
源码简介: 银行是与生活紧密相关的一个机构。银行提供了存款、取款、转账等业务。本系统客户可以在不同的银行开设账户,可以在同一银行开多个账户,客户可以存钱账户中,也可以从自己的账户中取钱,还可以将存款从一个账户转到另一个账户。客户还可以随时查询自己的账户的情况、客户有权要求关闭账户。 (注: 上面所描述的是银行的最基本功能, 现实世界中的银行要复杂得多。 为了简化系统,在对上面描述的银行系统的基本需求进行分析后,可知这个银行系统至少应该具有如下功能:1. 本系统可以有多个用户2. 一个用户可以在系统开立(绑定)几个账户3. 系统提供存款、取款、转账、账户管理、注销、挂失 功能-Bank is closely related with the life of an institution. Bank deposit, withdrawals, transfers and other services. The system customers can open accounts in different banks, you can open multiple accounts at the same bank, customers can save money account, you can also withdraw money from their account, you can also deposit from one account to another account. Customers can also check their account at any situation, the right to close customer accounts. (Note: The description above is the most basic function of banks, banks in the real world is much more complex. In order to simplify the system, In the banking system described above the basic needs analysis, we can see the banking system should at least Has the following features: 1 The system can have multiple users 2 A user can open the system (binding) of several accounts 3 system provides deposits, withdrawals, transfers, account management, write-off, report the loss function

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  • bank
  • BANK1
  • Bankcode12
  • bank
  • BankSystem
  • Bank
  • bank
  • bank
  • Bank-card-management-system
  • bank

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