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中国农业银行于1979年2月恢复成立,总部设在北京。是四大国有独资商业银行之一,是中国金融体系的重要组成部分。截至2007年末,在中国内地设有分支机构24452个,同时在新加坡、香港设有分行,在伦敦、东京、纽约设有代表处,拥有员工447519人。 -Agricultural Bank of China to resume in February 1979 set up its headquarters in Beijing. Is one of the four major state-owned commercial banks, is an important part of the financial system. As of the end of 2007, with offices in China 24 452, while in Singapore, Hong Kong, with branches in London, Tokyo, New York representative office with a staff of 447,519 people.