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源码名称: agusshimonnir
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Java
源码分类: Finance-Stock software system
文件大小: 93 KB
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源码作者 : 房产
整理时间: 2013-03-27
源码简介: 人工股市(Artificial Stock Market,简称ASM)是模拟股市运作的一个程序源码。在这个计算机中的虚拟市场中,若干被称为交易者的人工智能程序源码(Agent)通过观察它们所在的数字世世界中股价与与股息的不断变换而做出预测,并且根据这些预测做出购买股票与否和购买股票数量的决策。反过来,全部的交易者的决策又决定了股票的价格,这样,整个的股票交易市场就构成了一个自我封闭的计算系统。同时,-Artificial stock market (Artificial Stock Market, ASM) is a simulated stock market operation of a program source. In this virtual computer market, the number of traders known as artificial intelligence program source code (Agent) by observing the changing of the world of the digital world they are located in the stock price and dividends and to make predictions, and make the basis of these projections buy shares or not to buy the stock number of decision-making. Decision-making of all the traders, in turn, determines the price of the stock, so that the entire stock market constitutes a self-enclosed system of calculation. Meanwhile, the

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