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源码名称: jspguestbook
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Java
源码分类: Home Personal application
文件大小: 1274 KB
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源码作者 : 黎平
整理时间: 2013-01-18
源码简介: 采用jsp+servlet+javabean,jsp负责少量的页面处理,以servlet为主。结构清晰明了,未对页面做美工处理,因此html和javascript代码很少,非常适合作为java入门的例程,特别是对servlet部分。开发调试平台为jbuilder9+tomcat4,在resin下测试通过。数据库平台为ms sql server,在mysql下测试通过,但要改部分代码数据库连接池为apache组织下jakarta项目组开发的commons-dbcp 1.0-used jsp servlet javabean, jsp responsible for a small number of pages, mainly to servlet. Structure of clarity, the pages do not deal with artists, html and JavaScript code rarely, very suitable for the entry of java as routines, especially on some servlet. Developing and debugging platform for jbuilder9 tomcat4 the resin under test. Ms database platform for sql server, mysql under the test, but to change some code for the database connection pool apache JAKARTA organized the project team to develop the commons- DBCP 1.0

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