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源码名称: softhy598
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: PHP
源码分类: OA
文件大小: 401 KB
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整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 联讯KingOA办公系统,无限制版!演示http://oa.supersun.cn 首先导入SQL.txt的数据库。然后设置setup.php 和setup1.php的参数就马上可以使用了。有问题可以访问www.supersun.cn或咨询QQ:313489049 本OA系统提供以下功能 1。文档管理。(本系统最大特色是文档的权限设置。可以设置不同的部门只能看自己的文档,) 2。日程安排。(有公共得日程所有人都能看见,有个人日程只有自己能看) 3. 通讯录。(分为个人通讯和公共通讯录) 4. 论坛。(用于企业员工交流)-together-- KingOA office system, the unlimited version! The first demonstration http://oa.supersun.cn SQL.txt into the database. Samba and then set up the parameters setup1.php immediately available. Problems can visit www.supersun.cn or advisory QQ : 313489049 OA system provides the following features one. Document management. (The system's special features is the file permission settings. You can set different departments can only look at our own documentation), 2. Schedule. (In a public agenda for all to see, only their own personal agenda can see) 3. Directory. (Divided into personal communications and public directories) 4. Forum. (For enterprise staff exchanges)

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