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源码名称: 飞翔网络办公系统
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: OA
文件大小: 2401 KB
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源码作者 : wei
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: *** ***** 系统进入 *** **系统主文件为index.htm系统超级用户 用户名:lhh 密码:lhh*** ***** 系统功能说明 *** * 1 进入系统后请先阅读帮助!2 本系统取自网上某成熟的OA进行二次开发,功能有: 2.1 行政文件管理组件,如即见即所得的文件编辑功能,文件阅读对象设置,文件级别设置,文件批复流程. 2.2 员工交流功能,如网络会议,讨论中心(BBS),仿QQ的即时聊天功能. 2.3 邮件系统,如收邮件,发邮件,写邮件等. 2.4 单位管理,如人员审核,考勤查看,车辆设置等. 2.5 个人中心,如日程安排,通讯录,个人资料等. 2.6 公共信息,如常用网址,软件下载,手机区号,万年历,邮政号查询等. 2.7 系统管理,如数据备份,恢复,系统设置等.-******************** system into******************** main file system for inde http://www.who.int/child-adolescent-health/publications/NUTRITION/ISBN_92_4_159120_X.htm system super-users Username : lhh Password : lhh************************************** note API functions into one system Read help! two-line system from a mature secondary OA development functions : 2.1 administrative document management components, such as that see that the document editing, document reading public settings, document-level settings, document approval process. the exchange of 2.2 features, such as Network, the discussion centers (BBS). imitation QQ instant chat. 2.3-mail systems, such as access to e-mail, mail, write mail. 2.4 units management, if the audit staff, the a

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