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  source.rar 2013-01-10 1626 KB
超市管理系统含pos终端系统和server系统两部分源码-Supermarket management system with pos terminal systems and server systems in two parts source
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  v3494_CWCshopv1.5Beta.rar 2013-01-10 1068 KB
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  SiteFactory1.0_src.rar 2013-01-10 9736 KB
动易SiteFactory™ 网上商店系统1.0源代码-PowerEasy SiteFactory
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  chaoshixiaoshou.rar 2013-01-10 1258 KB
商品入库,用于将进来的商品录入到库里。&#8226 商品销售,用于售货员销售商品。&#8226 商品信息管理,现有库存、库存警报、商品报表三部分。&#8226 查询,管理员根据自己的需要进行查询,可按商品代号和商品名称查询。&#8226
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  softhy727b.rar 2013-01-10 4337 KB
ECSHOP是一款开源免费的通用电子商务平台构建软件,使用她您可以非常方便的开一个网上商店,在网上开展自己的生意。-ECSHOP is a free open-source general-purpose e-commerce platform software, to use her you can e
源码类型:PHP             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  TV_Registerforms.rar 2013-01-10 225 KB
综合运用C的基本功能实现的小软件,适合初学者学习。-Comprehensive use of C realize the basic functions of a small software, suitable for beginners to learn.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  VB_suystem.rar 2013-01-10 1971 KB
一种全新的仓库管理系统,可以实现入出库的记录等。-A new warehouse management system can be achieved into the library records.
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  system.rar 2013-01-10 3822 KB
一个超市收款系统的源代码,采用ODBC方式,可以借鉴-A supermarket receivable system source code, using ODBC, it can be draw
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  SuperMarket.rar 2013-01-10 6509 KB
超市管理系统 实现超市系统物流,财务,人事管理等各项功能-Supermarket management system to achieve the supermarket system of logistics, finance, personnel management and other functions
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  TradeManage.rar 2013-01-10 1939 KB
企业进销存管理系统 主要包括:基础信息管理、库存管理、商品销售、查询统计、往来管理和系统设置六大管理模块。-Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System enterprises include: the basis of information ma
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  ASP.rar 2013-01-10 133 KB
自己使用的毕业设计:ASP网上购物设计论文-Their own use of the Graduation Project: ASP online shopping design thesis
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  chaoshijinxiaocun.rar 2013-01-08 13222 KB
超市进销存管理系统基于Visual C++ 6.0 与ORACLE数据库为开发工具!-Supermarket inventory management system
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  autosellmachine.rar 2013-01-08 7 KB
自动售货机程序,实现接受付款、返回当前现金等功能。-Vending machine program to realize, receiving payment, return to the current cash and other functions.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  Delphi.touch.screen.cash.register.module.design.ra.rar 2013-01-08 2461 KB
Delphi 触摸屏收银模块设计代码Delphi code for the touch screen cash register module design-Delphi code for the touch screen cash register module design
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  csguanli.rar 2013-01-08 2588 KB
《超市进销存管理系统》具有以下功能:1.前台销售结帐。2.基本信息管理。3.基本信息查询。4.日结查询。5.超市小票打印。-&quot Supermarket inventory management system&quot has the following features: 1. Recept
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  consumerpay.rar 2013-01-08 2008 KB
通过该系统,提供一个的便捷和安全的购物平台。让管理者能够方便的管理消费者信息和其他私密信息,消费者能够方便快捷的购物。 -Through the system to provide a convenient and secure shopping platform. Allow manag
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  shop_good.rar 2013-01-08 1205 KB
一个用C# 编写的超市管理系统,对于刚接触的同学比较有帮助-C# written in a supermarket with the management system, for more helpful to students new to
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  a.rar 2013-01-08 1696 KB
汉王商场管理系统-HW mall management system
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  2010101817472807.rar 2013-01-08 672 KB
超市POS机扫描管理系统,windows xp 用于超市的商品入shop 和 出售的扫描记录, 密码:8888 -Supermarket POS machines scan management system, windows xp for the supermarket shop and sell goods into the scanned
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  xinxiguanlichengxu.rar 2013-01-08 2 KB
某超市的电器区有多类商品,每种商品包括:商品代号(整型),商品名称(字符串),商品数量(整型),单价(双精度),销售量(整型),库存量(=商品数量-销售量,整型)等信息。-supermaket chengxu
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  Stock.rar 2013-01-08 1613 KB
超市商品管理系统方便超商品管理 库存管理 订单管理-Super supermarket merchandise management system to facilitate inventory management Commodity Management Order Management. . .
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  PT850.rar 2013-01-08 109 KB
新大陆 pt850盘点机编程源代码。绝对完整,正确,可用。N年前开发好了,用了N年,N多人在使用中。有问题别问我,自己看开发手册去。特别奉献出来的。-New World pt850 inventory machine programming source code. Absolutely
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  barcode-demo-class.rar 2013-01-08 9 KB
封装了I25,CODE39,CODE128,EAN_UPC四个条码的编码类,演示了这四种条码是如何编码,并产生条码图像显示出来的。绝对原创。条码技术最底层技术资料。-Encapsulates the I25, CODE39, CODE128, EAN_UPC four bar coding cl
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  supermarket.rar 2013-01-08 22 KB
这是一个超市用的打折扣程序,很有用,比较简单实用。-This is a supermarket with a discount program, useful, relatively simple and practical.
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
  01.rar 2013-01-08 3661 KB
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Shop supermarket software system
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  1. PT850
  2. MrNetShop
  3. 网上电脑商店论文
  4. SimpleCart
  5. SuperMarket
  6. supermarket
  7. mrSell_51aspx
  8. MS
  9. shopmanager
  10. TextPhoneCard