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源码名称: zuishofeiyougouwuwenti
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: C-C++
源码分类: Shop supermarket software system
文件大小: 1 KB
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源码作者 : ahangin
整理时间: 2013-01-08
源码简介: 商店中每种商品都有标价. 例如, 一朵花的价格是 2 元, 一个花瓶的价格是 5 元, 等等. 为了吸引顾客, 商店提供了一组优惠商品价. 优惠商品是把一种或多种商品分成一组, 并降价销售. 例如: 3 朵花的价格不是 6 元而是 5 元, 2 个花瓶加 1 朵花的优惠价是 10 元, 等等. 对于给定欲购商品的价格, 数量以及优惠商品价, 请计算所购商品应付的最少费用. -Each store has a price of goods. For example, the price of a flower is 2 yuan, the price of a vase is 5 dollars, and so on. In order to attract customers, the store provides a set of preferential commodity prices. Offers a kind of commodity is to or more of the goods into a group, and a sale. For example: three spent 6 yuan but not the price of five yuan, 2 plus a flower vase price is 10 yuan, and so on. we wish to purchase goods for a given price, quantity, and discount commodity prices, calculate the cost of purchased goods to meet the minimum.

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