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源码名称: YIZHONG_Shop
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: Shop supermarket software system
文件大小: 1738 KB
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源码作者 : 耗子
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 加入了反SQL注入插件,屏蔽了所有非法字符!增加了邮件群发功能(只对站内会员群发邮件)。重写了购物车部分代码,购物流程更合理。修正了“注册的时无论E-mail重复注册或者用户名重复注册,系统都提示E-mail重复”的错误。两个首页模板。客户完成定单后,向客户的邮箱自动发送订单邮件,将他订购的产品信息,定单号码发送到邮箱。-joined the anti-SQL injection plug-in, shielding all illegal characters! Increased mail listserv (only stations Member mail lists). Cart rewrite of the code part, shopping process more reasonable. Amendments to the "registered at either E-mail or duplicate registration Repeat registered users, the system has suggested E-mail repeat" mistakes. Two Page template. After completion of customer orders, the mail client to automatically send mail orders, he had ordered the product information, number of orders sent to the mailbox.

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