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源码名称: mrsNetShop
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: Shop supermarket software system
文件大小: 2659 KB
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源码作者 : wzl
整理时间: 2013-03-02
源码简介: 网上购物商城,前台功能模块前台模块主要包括会员注册、登录、修改个人信息、购物、查询购物情况和查看各种服务条款等功能。后台管理模块后台模块主要包括后台管理员对会员、商品、仓库、订单和管理员的管理等功能。-Online shopping mall, the future prospects of functional modules including modules Member registration, login, modify personal information, shopping, and view query to the terms of the functions of various services. Background background management module manager module includes background on the members, of goods, storage, order management and administrator functions.

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