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源码名称: marketsystem
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: CSharp
源码分类: Shop supermarket software system
文件大小: 7180 KB
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源码作者 : 骑士精神
整理时间: 2013-02-21
源码简介: 随着信息产业的出现和网络的普及,计算机的应用已普及到人类社会的每一个角落,它与人类的生活关系越来越密切。超市在我们的生活中充当了相当重要的角色,使超市的销售信息化自动化是当前超市系统所面临的一大难题。通过该系统软件,会使收银员更方便,更快捷的销售,从而提高工作效率.,使顾客更快捷地获得商品。内容齐全包括开发的所有文档-With the emergence of the information industry and network penetration, computer applications has spread to every corner of human society, its relationship with human life more closely. Supermarket in our lives as a very important role in the automation of supermarket sales information system is currently facing the supermarket is a major problem. Through the system software, the cashier will be more convenient and faster sales, thus enhancing efficiency., So that customers get products more quickly. Complete content of all documents including the development of

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