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源码名称: shujucangkujishuzaiqiyeshebeiguanlixitongzhongdeyi
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Java
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 93 KB
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源码作者 : Ashui
整理时间: 2013-01-17
源码简介: :介绍齐鲁石化公司热电厂实施设备缺陷揭示制度以来所取得的成效;简述了设备缺陷管理系统的基本情况和构成,从完成全厂用户的建立及权限分配和设备目录树的建立工作、安装系统软件、更新缺陷管理服务器、调试应用程序等方面,介绍了该系统的开发与应用。-: This paper describes the implementation of the Qilu Petrochemical Company Thermal Power Plant equipment system deficiencies revealed by the results achieved since outlines the equipment defect management system and constitute the basic conditions, from the completion of the whole plant of users and authority to establish the distribution and equipment of the establishment of tree work, installation system software, update the defect management servers, debug applications, the introduction of the system development and application.

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