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源码名称: gonghuiguanlixitong
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual Basic
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 3758 KB
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源码作者 : dd
整理时间: 2013-01-10
源码简介: 针对我国目前企事业单位的不断增多,工会部门也相应的越来越多,而工会人员信息管理则变得越来越繁琐。由于需要统计大量的数据,涉及的人员多,项目繁多,而且容易出错,所以,设计一个工会人员信息管理系统是一项相当重要和及时的工作。通过该系统管理员可以很方便查找工会人员的信息、及时更新人员的信息,可以极大地提高系统的工作效率。为此,我们特设计了工会管理人员的信息管理系统-In view of the current growing enterprises, trade unions sector corresponding increasing number of information management and trade unionists are becoming more and more cumbersome. Because of the need for a large number of statistical data, personnel involved in the project range, and error-prone, so the design of a trade union personnel information management system is a very important and timely work. Through the system administrator can easily search information on trade union officials, to update personnel information, can greatly improve the efficiency of the system. To this end, we designed a special trade union management personnel information management system

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