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源码名称: MyTestp28Accessp29
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: C#
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 1251 KB
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源码作者 : 阿里
整理时间: 2013-09-12
源码简介: 收支管理系统B/S版,平时 花钱也不知道都花在哪儿了,想算算的时候又想不起来了,所以做了这么一个B/s版的收支系统,记录平时的支出情况,以及用一些折线,柱状统计图 显示每月、每年的总消费对比-Revenue and expenditure management system B/S version, usually do not know is spent where, when you want to calculate want not up, so do a B/s version of the balance of payments system, record peacetime spending , and with a broken line, column charts show monthly, the total annual consumption compared

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