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源码名称: 20090610JXC
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: C#
源码分类: CSharp
文件大小: 3001 KB
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源码作者 : 黄彬彬
整理时间: 2013-09-12
源码简介: 由基础信息管理模块、进货信息管理模块、销售信息管理模块、库存信息管理模块等部分组成,规划系统功能模块如下:(1)基础信息管理模块该模块主要包括切换用户、权限信息设置、业务员信息设置、客户信息设置、供应商信息设置、商品信息设置、仓库信息设置、角色信息设置、会员类别信息设置、产品类别信息设置。(2)进货信息管理模块该模块主要包括进货信息查询、进货订单录入和修改、进货单录入和修改、订货单打印。(3)销售信息管理模块该块主要包括销售信息查询、销售订单录入和修改改、销售单录入和修改、销售单打印。(4)库存信息销售模块该模块主要包括库存信息查询、库存信息的设置、进货订单的校验、销售订单的校验、库存单打印。-The basis of information management module, purchase information management module, sales management module, inventory management module and other parts, the planning system functional modules are as follows: (1) the basis of information management module The module includes switching users, permissions information set, salesman information set, set of customer information, supplier information set, merchandise information set, warehouse information set, set of role information, the Member category information set, the setting of the product category information. (2) purchase information management module The module includes purchase information search, purchase order entry and modification of the Company to entry and modify orders Print. (3) sales information management modules including sales information inquiries, sales order entry and modification of change, sales order entry and modification, sales of single-print the block. (4) inventory sales module The module includes inventory

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